
Fissure sealants

The molar teeth at the back of our mouths contain deep grooves, also known as fissures.

The molar teeth at the back of our mouths contain deep grooves, also known as fissures. These can be particularly problematic for young children, who are perhaps still getting to grips with brushing and don’t always clean the very back of their mouths properly. This is something to remain mindful of, when you consider a tooth that is not properly cleaned has a higher risk of developing cavities.

Thankfully, iSmile Studio has a trusted weapon, in the form of fissure sealants. These comprise a liquid resin that can be used to fill those troublesome grooves, before hardening and making the teeth smooth in just a matter of minutes. It’s quick, pain-free and the smooth finish of the teeth will last for several years. An ideal result, because smooth teeth are easy-to-clean teeth!

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