Root Canal in Balwyn

Root canal treatment is a proven solution to painful or infected teeth

Wherever possible, it’s always preferable to save a natural tooth. Unfortunately, sometimes to do this we need to present clients with two little words that fill them with dread … root canal.

Root canal procedures do not have the best of reputations. They have entered the zeitgeist as a comparison we make when describing something we really would rather not do. For many, an appointment ending with a recommendation of root canal surgery is the absolute worst case scenario.

However, you can breathe easy knowing that elongated and uncomfortable root canal procedures are a thing of the past, thanks to the specialised technology of today. Our goal is to get you out of pain as quickly as possible and with minimal fuss. Using a surgical microscope alongside the best available dental tools, equipment, techniques and pain relief options, we’ll be finished in next to no time. We guarantee you’ll leave us wondering what all the fuss was about!

But … why a root canal? Well, every tooth contains one or more canals filled with nerves and blood vessels. If the tissue in a canal becomes infected and is not treated properly and in good time, the infection can spread to the bone causing painful abscesses. What’s more, it could spread even further, affecting other areas of the body and leading to potentially serious complications.

Root canal therapy is one of those tried and tested tooth decay treatments dentists have been turning to for decades. It works by removing the infected tissue before it can spread, and replacing the tooth with a crown to restore its strength and function, while maintaining a natural, tooth-coloured look.

If you’re still feeling anxious, it’s good to talk! We are highly experienced in performing root canal procedures and are always here to answer questions or concerns. Our number one goal is to put your mind at ease during what we know can be an unsettling experience for some.

Root canal

A root canal is a tooth-saving procedure. A root canal specialist has to remove the infected or infected pulp and treat the nerve canal with special anti-bacterial medicine.

At iSmile Studio we understand the apprehension many people have regarding root canal therapy and will do everything we can to alleviate your concern. We have a number of pain relief options available for you. Often it’s the anticipation of treatment that is the greatest cause of stress. Before commencing any treatment we will explain the procedure in detail and answer any questions you may have to alleviate your concerns. It is paramount to our team that you are completely comfortable at all times. We offer local anaesthetic options to reduce any feelings of anxiety and will constantly communicate with you through your procedure to ensure you are relaxed.

It’s easy to tell if you have a root canal. Several symptoms indicate that you need a root canal treatment, ranging from severe pain to swollen and dark gums. If you live in Balwyn, Melbourne, you can schedule an appointment with us to check your oral health.

Root canal procedure is pain-free. A root canal specialist will administer anesthesia and wait for the tooth and surrounding area to be completely numb before starting the procedure.

A root canal dental treatment comes with a few risks, as all dental procedures do. Common procedural risks are fractured root canal instrument and tooth fracture, while non-procedural risks include a crack in the root and post-treatment pain.

After the root canal procedure, you will still feel numbness in the area around your tooth. We advise all our Balwyn, Melbourne patients who undergo the procedure to avoid eating hard and hot food.

The process of a root canal procedure starts with anesthesia administration. Once the tooth is numb, a root canal specialist will remove the infected pulp and clean the nerve canals. Finally, we will put a temporary filling inside your tooth and schedule an appointment to place a permanent filling or a crown.

iSmile Studio in Balwyn is located at
1/92 Balwyn Rd.

Call us today on (03) 9888 5677.

If you need advice on root canal therapy in Melbourne, or require support with any other aspect of your oral health, we’d love to chat. Rest assured, we are here to listen and to understand. We are committed to taking the time to examine, diagnose and comprehensively plan your treatment, for an everlasting smile!